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5.92 Jun 28, 2024 4.4
Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha Kucha

New in 쿠차 5.92

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About 쿠차 App

COOCHA, a time-saving shopping search!

1. Compare the lowest prices in one go without having to go from app to app! All products in the world,

from essential daily necessities to desired it-items, can be found in one place at Kucha at the lowest price. 2. Automatically log in to the shopping malls you visit frequently through Kucha. When paying for your favorite products, you don’t need to log in every time. Take advantage of this simple and convenient feature that allows you to complete everything from ordering to tracking delivery with just a few clicks. 3. Meet the hidden shopping items discovered by Kucha Selected shopping items updated daily Collect and shop all coupons at a glance, including shopping, travel, restaurants, beauty salons, massages, the lowest prices on domestic and international flights, accommodations, and performances! Make your life more enjoyable by shopping! Let's all enjoy COOCHA together! ◎ Information on app access rights Pursuant to Article 22-2 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., consent to ‘app access rights’ is received from users for the following purposes. Kucha App only accesses items absolutely necessary for the service, and the details are as follows. [Required access rights] * Device and app history (version check) * Terminal ID (device identification) [Optional access rights] * Storage space (storage of images used in the app, used when attaching images to 1:1 customer inquiries) * Notifications ( (Used for hot deal product push notifications) ※ You can agree to optional access rights when using related functions, and even if you do not agree, you can use app services other than the relevant functions. ※ If you are using a version lower than Android 6.0, selection permission cannot be granted individually, so we recommend checking whether the manufacturer of your terminal provides an operating system upgrade function and upgrading to 6.0 or higher if possible. ※ “Kucha” collects the following personal information and provides it to third parties for the purpose of providing personalized advertising based on user interests. - Advertising ID, app installation information, telecommunication company, and communication location. This information is not used for any purpose other than providing personalized advertising. [Email inquiry] For app inconveniences or requests, please send them to the Coocha app developer email address below: [email protected] ---- Developer contact information: #2, 15th floor, Joyang Building, Main Building, 308 Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul cs_coocha@coocha. com


쿠차 Latest Version Info

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Google Play ID: com.CouponChart

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