8.208 May 13, 2024 4.4
Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2) Shift work calendar (I am an alternate 2)

About 교대근무달력(나는교대자다2) App

- You can select your company from the menu button.
-You can enter the shift directly with manual shift entry.

Is your company out of business?
Please send your company name and work schedule to the email below .
We will produce it for free.

※Personal information handling policy
- Shift work calendar (I am a shift worker 2) app does not collect any personal information.
1. Items of personal information collected: Not applicable
2. Purpose of collection and use of personal information: Not applicable 3. Retention and
use period of personal information: Not applicable Guide to access rights 1. Save, read rights: save schedule, backup/restore 2. Vibrate, wake up the screen, receive boot completion Permissions: Alarm 3. Internet rights: Production requests and inquiries 4. Network status change rights: In-app advertising - Android 6.0 If you are using a smartphone with a lower version, you cannot selectively consent to the access right. We recommend that you upgrade your Android version. -Inquiry mail: [email protected]

Website: http://shiftworker.tistory.com

교대근무달력(나는교대자다2) Latest Version Info

Get it on Google Play

Google Play ID: com.metae.ShiftMan2

On this page you can free download 교대근무달력(나는교대자다2) APK file for Android. 교대근무달력(나는교대자다2) latest new version for Android is 8.208. Our site provides only original and unmodified APK files, that’s why it’s safe to download and install.

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