Справочник врача

ООО Медицинские информационные решения

4.37.0 Aug 30, 2024 4.7
Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook Doctor's Handbook

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About Справочник врача App

Doctor's reference book: standards for the treatment of diseases and first aid, medical calculator, drugs and their analogues, ICD-10, laboratory diagnostics (analyzes). Plus medical news, the latest PubMed publications and FEMB (medical literature) - all in one app, free and without ads!

Why us?

🚩More than 400,000 doctors trust us

🚩205 medical calculators

🚩The latest update of the Vidal drug guide and ICD 10 is free

🚩More than 20,000 scientific medical publications in Russian (FEMB) and English (PubMed)

Your specialty is surgery, therapy, anesthesiology and resuscitation, are you an emergency doctor? A medical student who needs a doctor's guide? You probably searched Google more than once for “medicine reference book”, “reference book of diseases and medicines”. Are you a doctor of a “narrow” specialization (urology, gynecology, cardiology), but your patient or relative needs first aid?

The "Doctor's Handbook" application is a medical encyclopedia that will allow you to always have at hand:

⚕ Medical news: clinical cases, translations of publications from leading foreign publications, as well as current medical news every day;

⚕ Medical calculator: more than 200 calculators, grouped by system, with the ability to search by name and add to the favorites list;

⚕ Register of medicines (RLS) Vidal: a complete directory of medicines and their analogues;

⚕ Clinical recommendations (treatment protocols);

⚕ International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10 free of charge): includes amendments in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 05, 2014 No. 13-2 / 1664 (all diseases are a reference book of diseases);

⚕ Medical laboratory tests: norm tests, a complete reference book of tests containing 442 laboratory parameters (a whole medical encyclopedia);

⚕ TNM Handbook: International classification of stages of malignant neoplasms;

⚕ Codes of surgical operations: all surgical operations in the codes of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund with the nomenclature of the CSG;

⚕ Federal Standards of Medical Care (FSMP);

⚕ MES Handbook: medical and economic standards developed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, including protocols for diagnosis and treatment, requirements for recovery and the length of the patient's stay in the hospital (real help for the doctor);

⚕ EMS Handbook: Algorithms and standards for the provision of emergency and emergency medical care to patients and injured by ambulance service teams, developed by the team of the Ambulance Station named after. A.S. Puchkov;

⚕ Federal Electronic Medical Library (FEMB): more than 20,000 medical publications - first-hand medical news;

⚕ PubMed: search through the English-language database of medical publications with the ability to download and use free materials. English-language medical literature is the basis of the theoretical knowledge of a modern doctor;

⚕ Online professional liability insurance for doctors and medical workers from Ingosstrakh.

All diseases and their treatment in one application! We are trusted by over 400,000 doctors (a whole league of doctors!). In our application, a directory of medicines and diseases will always be at hand, and a mobile medical encyclopedia in your pocket!

Available offline: Vidal medicines guide (requires pre-download), medical calculators, ICD 10, MES, TNM classification, SMP standards, surgical codes, clinical guidelines, medical laboratory tests.

This application is a real help to the doctor, as well as residents and students of medical universities.

Employees of MIR LLC are happy to help doctors in their daily hard work! If you have any difficulties, write to us at [email protected], we will definitely help you figure it out and solve the problem.

Справочник врача Latest Version Info

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Google Play ID: ru.medsolutions

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